In Rockford, a 63-year-old man named Perry Johnston has been convicted of reckless homicide among other charges, which could lead to a 26-year prison sentence. The charges against Johnston encompass aggravated leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death, aggravated use of an electronic communication device, and obstructing justice. The incident transpired when Johnston, engrossed in a cell phone conversation, struck 37-year-old Willie White at the intersection of Trainer Road and Fincham Drive on March 25, 2016, and subsequently fled the scene. White was rushed to a nearby hospital but tragically succumbed to his injuries. The police were able to connect Johnston to the incident through fragments of his 2004 BMW discovered at the site. A Winnebago County jury found Johnston guilty on April 26th, and he is scheduled to return to court on June 13th.
Rockford Man Found Guilty of Reckless Homicide and Other Charges
by admin | May 2, 2024 | Rockford | 0 comments